The activity carried out within the framework of the project supporting the Ukrainian community

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  • Tu.: 11:00 - 18:00
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  • Sat.: 11:00 - 18:00
  • Sun.: closed
The pilot version of the program was held in a Ukrainian house, and the participants of the event created flower brooches using natural silk cocoon.
Within the framework of the project "Integrate and Empower Ukrainian Heritage Communities in Georgia through employment opportunities and awareness raising campaign", on October 25, another activity was carried out - Ukrainian beneficiaries employed in the State Silk Museum created an educational program for children displaced from Ukraine. 
The pilot version of the program was held in the Ukrainian House in cooperation with Georgian Ukrainian Platform. The participants of the event created flower brooches using natural silk cocoon, in which they were helped by Ukrainian and Georgian masters.
The event is carried out within the framework of the ICOM Georgia project in cooperation with the State Silk Museum.
The main goal of the project is to support the Ukrainian community in Georgia and raise awareness about the protection of cultural heritage during the war.
ICOM Georgia's project "Integrate and Empower Ukrainian Heritage Communities in Georgia through employment opportunities and awareness raising campaign" is funded within th ICOM Project extraordinary grant competition #SolidaritytoUkraine and carried out in collaboration with ICOM Ukraine, Blue Shield Georgia, National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity – HERI, State Silk Museum, and the Georgian Heritage Crafts Association.
Copy: Icom Georgia, Georgian Ukrainian Platform.
